Music Magazine Research
So this is what research I could find about Music magazines:

Target Audience:
The Target Audience of this magazine is predominantly male (Average Age: 22). The consumers tend to be heavy rock fans. Since this magazine is a British publication, the most popular ethinicity that buys this magazine are Briitsh. The target age is in the range of 17-24 year olds. Based on the age range, I can tell that this particular magazine is marketed towards teens and young adults. T
Since the magazine is geared towards teens, the magazine has to put artists that are current within the rock/pop genre. The main concentration of this magazine is a focus on punk, rock or metal bands that may be new or old.
Kerrang! projects the image of a 'new' rock magazine rather than a classic rock magazine. They do this by featuring newer, current artists rather than rock classics, such as the Rolling Stones
Production Techniques:
The cover image prominently showcases the artist(s)/band that the magazine has decided to highlight that week. The close up shot of the artists indicates to the reader that they are going to get detailed and maybe even personal information about the artist.
The logog for
Kerrang! tends to be white block letters, encased in a red box. The color red is a bright and stimulating color fo the human mind. Red envokes excitement within the reader. The juxtaposition of the white letters against the red background make the logo stand out and makes it easily recognizable.
How I Plan to Use My Research:
After looking at a few music magazines, I know that I am going to need to pick a sub-topic within the field of music in order to be able to create my magazine and be able to market it to the appropriate target audience. Since I am in a rock/pop band, my magazine will likely be a newer rock magazine, much like how
Kerrang! is.
One marketing tool that Kerrang! used that I liked was that in their
Media Pack, they included a variety of ways music can be streamed through their platforms in order to reach their consumers. My target audience is going to be ages 16-25, so I am going to need market my magazine on different platforms and make sure to include that information in my issue.
In order to appeal to my target audience, I'm going to make my font in bright and bold colors in order to draw attention to it. Through their colors,
Kerrang! was able to convey that they are not a clasic rock magazine, but in fact a newer facet of the rock genre, which is exactly the same message I want to convey to my audience.
I also realize now that my cover image needs to be a close up, because I want to embrace genre/production conventions. I know how difficult it is to do photoshoots based on past projects that I have had in this class, so looking at these magazines has made me realize that I need to start getting my photos together sooner rather than later. Next week, I am going to make a schedule for myself to make sure that I stay on top of the project work and ensure that I have a great final product!
“Kerrang!” Bauer Media,
“Target Audience of Kerrang! Magazine and My Plans.” Samnmediablog, 4 Nov. 2012,
Alexandria, Asking. “#Kerrangmagazine - Twitter Search.” Twitter, Twitter, 8 Aug. 2014,
Kiraan123 Follow. “Music Magazine Research.” LinkedIn SlideShare, 2 Nov. 2010,