Saturday, March 30, 2019

"And Now the End is Near" - My Way by Frank Sinatra

Making my Magazine

My time is running out! My project is due at the end of next week, but I'm actually not too stressed about it.  I kinda stuck to that timeline that I gave myself at the beginning of the project and my project has actually come together pretty well. To be honest, I think that I am in pretty good shape.  I spent the last two weeks working on my magazine and I made my cover and my table of content.   The article for my double page spread is only a rough draft now, but it is definitely in the works and with a little tweaking, should be done early next week. Here's a peek at what I've been working on.


Alright, so remember how I mentioned last week when I was making magazine covers and I made two different covers but didn't like my first draft ... yeah well, turns out I actually do like that draft better.  The reason that I changed my mind was the image itself actually.  Most music magazines have a midshot or close up of their artists and my original cover was a wide shot.  It didn't follow genre conventions, so I ended up going with my first draft.  The reason I didn't go with that picture from the start is that I had trouble with spacing out my masthead and headlines, but I didn't give up on it.  Now that I am more familiar with how to use the tools on Joomag, I was able to place my text boxes in better spots. All in all, it ended up working out pretty well.  I'm really pleased with the way this cover turned out and I'm set on this edit being my final cover.  Here, take a look


Now, this part wasn't necessary but I think that it was important to include.  One aspect of music magazines that I was overlooking was the advertisements.   I only noticed it now because my mom pointed it out.  She used to work with the sports magazine ESPN.  While her job was more about data analysis, she learned a lot about magazine layout and advertising space.  I asked her to take a look at my magazine a few days ago and she noticed how my magazine lacked any advertisements.  To make it as realistic as possible, she said it was crucial for me to put in a few advertisements, especially in key spots like the table of content page.  I realized that she was right.  In every magazine that I looked at, there were a lot of ads especially by the table of content page.  So I made my own ad for the music studio that I go to.  I asked their permission before I left for spring break, to have access and use some of their photos.  Here's one of the ads that I came up with for the table of content page.  I plan to make at least one more for the last page after the double page spread.

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